160 lb.
Adventuring Company
Player Name
MOD + 1/2 LVL
1/2 HP
1/4 HP
1/2 LVL
Low-light Vision
Encounter[RESET USAGE]
Money on hand: 9 gp
Stored money:
The stench of the man was overpowering, not least from the prodigious amount of drink he had imbibed. "Get me another drink, bitch!" he bellowed, throwing his empty mug at the timid half-elf.
"M-m-maybe you've had e-enough, sir," Summer stammered as she bent to retrieve the cup.
"Fine! I'll get it myself!" The disheveled drunkard heaved his immense frame from the chair, stumbling to the bar. The Matron was waiting for him, a fresh tankard in hand.
"I apologize for the help around here. This one's on the house. And might I propose..." her voice drifted to a whisper. Summer's face turned to one of horror, as she silently mouthed the words, 'Please, no.' The Matron's eyes flashed with derision as, smiling, she continued her conversation with the customer. The man rummaged for his coin pouch, withdrawing no small stack of gold and setting it on the table as he turned to the girl with a slovenly grin on his face.
Grabbing her by the waist, his horrendous breath nearly caused Summer to vomit. "I think it's time we got to know each other a little better, wench!" When the grime-encrusted hand dove down her blouse, Summer retreated to her special place...
... where she was Laineth the Free, noble valkyrie and defender of the meek! No evil could stand against the mighty psionic knight errant, and with thought and blade she frees the oppressed from their diabolical masters!
Summer awoke from her reverie on a bed, her skirts hiked up around her. The Matron was thanking the obese man for his patronage as he belted down his clothes and put on his boots. As he left, the Matron entered the inn room bearing a tray with a kettle, basin, cup, and towels. "That one was loaded! You brought in some good coin tonight!"
Summer refused to look up, waves of disgust and rage coursing through her. A sharp crack against her face broke the spell, and she turned with a hand to her pained cheek to face the Matron, tears welling up in her eyes.
"How DARE you give me attitude! I'm the one putting a roof over your head, feeding you! If it weren't for me, you'd be on the street, or dead in some gutter!" As she ranted, the Matron poured hot water from the kettle, filling the bowl and cup. She then took out a small packet, pouring its bitter smelling contents into the cup and giving it a quick stir with her finger. "If you're living in my house, you're going to earn your keep, one way or another. Now get cleaned up; it's going to be a busy night. And don't forget to drink your tea. The last thing I need is another mouth to feed!"
Summer got up from the bed, retying her blouse and smoothing her skirt. "Yes, mother."
"M-m-maybe you've had e-enough, sir," Summer stammered as she bent to retrieve the cup.
"Fine! I'll get it myself!" The disheveled drunkard heaved his immense frame from the chair, stumbling to the bar. The Matron was waiting for him, a fresh tankard in hand.
"I apologize for the help around here. This one's on the house. And might I propose..." her voice drifted to a whisper. Summer's face turned to one of horror, as she silently mouthed the words, 'Please, no.' The Matron's eyes flashed with derision as, smiling, she continued her conversation with the customer. The man rummaged for his coin pouch, withdrawing no small stack of gold and setting it on the table as he turned to the girl with a slovenly grin on his face.
Grabbing her by the waist, his horrendous breath nearly caused Summer to vomit. "I think it's time we got to know each other a little better, wench!" When the grime-encrusted hand dove down her blouse, Summer retreated to her special place...
... where she was Laineth the Free, noble valkyrie and defender of the meek! No evil could stand against the mighty psionic knight errant, and with thought and blade she frees the oppressed from their diabolical masters!
Summer awoke from her reverie on a bed, her skirts hiked up around her. The Matron was thanking the obese man for his patronage as he belted down his clothes and put on his boots. As he left, the Matron entered the inn room bearing a tray with a kettle, basin, cup, and towels. "That one was loaded! You brought in some good coin tonight!"
Summer refused to look up, waves of disgust and rage coursing through her. A sharp crack against her face broke the spell, and she turned with a hand to her pained cheek to face the Matron, tears welling up in her eyes.
"How DARE you give me attitude! I'm the one putting a roof over your head, feeding you! If it weren't for me, you'd be on the street, or dead in some gutter!" As she ranted, the Matron poured hot water from the kettle, filling the bowl and cup. She then took out a small packet, pouring its bitter smelling contents into the cup and giving it a quick stir with her finger. "If you're living in my house, you're going to earn your keep, one way or another. Now get cleaned up; it's going to be a busy night. And don't forget to drink your tea. The last thing I need is another mouth to feed!"
Summer got up from the bed, retying her blouse and smoothing her skirt. "Yes, mother."
Summer toiled on her hands and knees, trying to scrub the grime and vomit from the tavern floor with an old, worn brush. Rubbing her eyes, Summer dared not fall asleep, lest she receive another beating. Last night had indeed been busy, and the half-elf girl had only gotten two hours of sleep before sunrise. Her mother didn't care, of course, and the chores still needed to be done.
How she wished she could be away from all this, wandering the world and seeing the wonders within! That's all Summer wanted, to be away from her mother. Summer knew her father was still out there, and had he but known she existed, he would gallantly swoop in and rescue Summer from her torment, showering her with the parental love she had never known.
Laineth, of course, would never allow others to lose their freedom in this way. The fair battle maiden had, after all, sworn on her blade that she would not rest until every last Slave Lord of the North had been slain, their captives free to live and love. Calling the forests her home, Laineth would live in the trees with the elves, who had taken her in with open arms and provided her with a haven from which she could launch her attacks on the slave caravans and to which she could return to rest and replenish her supplies. And she certainly didn't have to scrub floors!
A kick to the ribs brought Summer back to reality. "Are you sleeping with work still left to do?!"
"No, mother. I was just... distracted. I'm sorry, mother." Summer redoubled her efforts on a particularly stubborn stain, hoping to avoid eye contact.
"Well keep that air head of yours focused! I want this place positively glowing! I've just received word that the Baron will be coming through town tonight, and I'll be damned if I'm going to have him stay at the Galloping Bucket across town!" The smell of something burning wafted into the common area. "Oh, your breakfast is ready. Best finish that floor if you want to eat before it grows cold."
Summer stared at her reflection in the mirror, unbelieving. Absent-mindedly, she caressed the armor that had magically appeared in her room. Gingerly lifting the sword (her sword?) from the mantle, she found herself checking the balance before gripping the hilt firmly. She had never before even touched a sword, so how could it feel so natural for her to hold one now? It was as though the blade had become an extension of her arm, as if it was always meant to be there.
A loud pounding on the door echoed about the small room. "Summer, Gods damn it! If you don't get out here IMMEDIATELY, you won't eat for the week! Summer, open this door!" The distinctive jingling of the Matron's key ring could be heard as Summer's mother moved to unlock the door. Dashing towards an armoire, Summer pushed it over with newfound strength, barricading the door closed as the cabinet fell in front of it with a large CRASH!
The door now unlocked, her mother opened it an inch before it stopped against the pile of wooden debris. "What the--? HOW DARE YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH! AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" The door slammed against the remains of the armoire, as Summer's mother's screaming reached a fevered pitch. Slowly the debris began to give way.
Summer quickly disrobed, her bedclothes dropping to the floor. Grabbing the sturdy outfit she would wear to market, she redressed, then began hurriedly strapping the armor around her newly athletic frame. Hastily sheathing the sword before strapping the scabbard to her hip, she reached for a backpack and shield that had been mixed in with the other items and headed for the window. Opening the window, Summer paused, looking back to her room, the only home she had never known. Returning to the vanity at which she had spent so many hours readying herself for the next customer, she grabbed a tin of lip paint, dipping her finger in the deep red grease.
The Matron finally got the door open, tumbling into the room in a blind fury. "SUMMER! YOU'RE GOING TO--" Stunned to realize she was in an empty room, the Matron's rage disappeared in an instant, replaced with befuddlement. "Summer, where are you?" Her eyes drifted first to the open window, then to the smears of red across the vanity mirror.
How she wished she could be away from all this, wandering the world and seeing the wonders within! That's all Summer wanted, to be away from her mother. Summer knew her father was still out there, and had he but known she existed, he would gallantly swoop in and rescue Summer from her torment, showering her with the parental love she had never known.
Laineth, of course, would never allow others to lose their freedom in this way. The fair battle maiden had, after all, sworn on her blade that she would not rest until every last Slave Lord of the North had been slain, their captives free to live and love. Calling the forests her home, Laineth would live in the trees with the elves, who had taken her in with open arms and provided her with a haven from which she could launch her attacks on the slave caravans and to which she could return to rest and replenish her supplies. And she certainly didn't have to scrub floors!
A kick to the ribs brought Summer back to reality. "Are you sleeping with work still left to do?!"
"No, mother. I was just... distracted. I'm sorry, mother." Summer redoubled her efforts on a particularly stubborn stain, hoping to avoid eye contact.
"Well keep that air head of yours focused! I want this place positively glowing! I've just received word that the Baron will be coming through town tonight, and I'll be damned if I'm going to have him stay at the Galloping Bucket across town!" The smell of something burning wafted into the common area. "Oh, your breakfast is ready. Best finish that floor if you want to eat before it grows cold."
Summer stared at her reflection in the mirror, unbelieving. Absent-mindedly, she caressed the armor that had magically appeared in her room. Gingerly lifting the sword (her sword?) from the mantle, she found herself checking the balance before gripping the hilt firmly. She had never before even touched a sword, so how could it feel so natural for her to hold one now? It was as though the blade had become an extension of her arm, as if it was always meant to be there.
A loud pounding on the door echoed about the small room. "Summer, Gods damn it! If you don't get out here IMMEDIATELY, you won't eat for the week! Summer, open this door!" The distinctive jingling of the Matron's key ring could be heard as Summer's mother moved to unlock the door. Dashing towards an armoire, Summer pushed it over with newfound strength, barricading the door closed as the cabinet fell in front of it with a large CRASH!
The door now unlocked, her mother opened it an inch before it stopped against the pile of wooden debris. "What the--? HOW DARE YOU, YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BITCH! AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU! I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!" The door slammed against the remains of the armoire, as Summer's mother's screaming reached a fevered pitch. Slowly the debris began to give way.
Summer quickly disrobed, her bedclothes dropping to the floor. Grabbing the sturdy outfit she would wear to market, she redressed, then began hurriedly strapping the armor around her newly athletic frame. Hastily sheathing the sword before strapping the scabbard to her hip, she reached for a backpack and shield that had been mixed in with the other items and headed for the window. Opening the window, Summer paused, looking back to her room, the only home she had never known. Returning to the vanity at which she had spent so many hours readying herself for the next customer, she grabbed a tin of lip paint, dipping her finger in the deep red grease.
The Matron finally got the door open, tumbling into the room in a blind fury. "SUMMER! YOU'RE GOING TO--" Stunned to realize she was in an empty room, the Matron's rage disappeared in an instant, replaced with befuddlement. "Summer, where are you?" Her eyes drifted first to the open window, then to the smears of red across the vanity mirror.