Dice Roller
Roller | Mirumoto Shaito |
Character | Baesal Zyn |
Campaign | Nar Shaddaa |
Description | Healing Craw, assisted by the bitch's crew |
Results | 4eA+1eD+1eB: 0 successes, 5 advantage [4eA=S, A/A, A, A/A] [1eD=F/Th] [1eB=A] |
Roller | Mirumoto Shaito |
Character | Baesal Zyn |
Campaign | Nar Shaddaa |
Description | Healing Craw, assisted by the bitch's crew |
Results | 4eA+1eD+1eB: 0 successes, 5 advantage [4eA=S, A/A, A, A/A] [1eD=F/Th] [1eB=A] |