Dice Roller

CampaignBreak Down That Gate
DescriptionOw That Stings
Results48d100: 2234 [48d100=61, 76, 5, 15, 93, 91, 83, 74, 65, 5, 41, 91, 56, 48, 6, 10, 25, 11, 10, 41, 80, 37, 40, 2, 88, 55, 50, 40, 60, 21, 66, 32, 18, 4, 87, 29, 43, 97, 33, 40, 85, 42, 57, 95, 4, 53, 40, 29]

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Timestamp: 2017-11-18 07:40:15 PT

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