Dice Roller
Roller | Chous |
Character | Remmington Thalalas |
Campaign | Ziost |
Description | MA8. EVENT: Duel of Fates. Round 2. Blitzing the Emperor. Lightsaber/Brawn vs Emperor's defenses [Adversary 5 + Sense + Defense 4]. [+3 Success from Vas-Tu, +1 Advantage from lightsaber]. Aim. Boost from Jo'ren. Destiny flip both ways. Suspicion upgrade. |
Results | 5eP+2eB+5eC+1eD+4eS: 0 successes, 3 threat [5eP=-, S/A, -, S/S, -] [2eB=-, S/A] [5eC=Th, F/Th, F, Th, Th] [1eD=Th] [4eS=F, F, -, -]
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Timestamp: 2019-07-03 22:06:44 PT
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