Dice Roller

Campaign history for Dawn of the World

Showing rolls 1 to 5 of 5 | top

2018-01-25 12:26:01RPG_BremenParaDawn of the WorldDeceive3d6 15
2018-01-22 15:32:19RPG_BremenParaDawn of the WorldBackstab!3d6 10
2018-01-17 20:48:01RPG_BremenParaDawn of the WorldMove stealthily3d6 10
2018-01-04 16:56:22Dawgstar3000ZeekaDawn of the WorldReading the Situation3d6 11
2018-01-03 09:06:06DocChronosNinilDawn of the WorldRead a situation3d6 8

Showing rolls 1 to 5 of 5 | top

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