Dice Roller

Campaign history for House of the Rising Sun

Showing rolls 1 to 4 of 4 | top

2018-02-09 05:05:46MaliciousOnionGabriel LandryHouse of the Rising SunStamina + Athletics4d10o10h8 2
2018-02-04 20:23:29DachshundofdoomMikeHouse of the Rising SunSneaky Dog (Dex+Stealth)6d10o10h8 0
2018-02-04 20:20:40DachshundofdoomHunterHouse of the Rising SunCome Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are (Presence+Persuasion)4d10o10h8 0
2018-01-18 06:18:21MaliciousOnionGabriel LandryHouse of the Rising SunPerception (Wits+Composure)6d10o9h8 1

Showing rolls 1 to 4 of 4 | top

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