Dice Roller

Campaign history for Placeholder

Showing rolls 1 to 8 of 8 | top

2018-01-15 14:14:05MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderReroll Lowest Stat (Inf) *THIRD TRY*2d10+20 27
2018-01-15 14:12:34MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderReroll Lowest Stat (Fel)3d10k2+20 35
2018-01-15 13:35:33MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderReroll Lowest Stat1d100 30
2018-01-14 14:49:31MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderDivination1d100 75
2018-01-14 13:34:14MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderWounds7+1d5 12
2018-01-14 13:33:31MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderEmperor's Blessing 6+1d10 9
2018-01-14 13:27:39MurcurieAtregusPlaceholderStats7#2d10+20 37 25 32 31 28 30 25 2#3d10k2+20 27 39 3d10l2+20...
2017-07-04 07:39:10scavengerplaceholderplaceholderRolling me some dice1eA+2eF 1 success, 2 Dark Side

Showing rolls 1 to 8 of 8 | top

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