Dice Roller

CharacterCF and D'rek
CampaigngIV Malazan Empire Eclipse
Descriptionr7 221 CF cannon 1d6 red. D'rek 1d6 yellow
Results1d6: 1 [1d6=1]
1d6: 1 [1d6=1]
1d6: 2 [1d6=2]
1d6: 1 [1d6=1]
1d6: 1 [1d6=1]
1d6: 4 [1d6=4]
1d6: 4 [1d6=4]
1d6: 5 [1d6=5]
1d6: 4 [1d6=4]
1d6: 3 [1d6=3]
1d6: 1 [1d6=1]
1d6: 3 [1d6=3]
1d6: 3 [1d6=3]
1d6: 5 [1d6=5]

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Timestamp: 2014-06-09 14:10:10 PT

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