Dice Roller
Roller | awaypturwpn |
Character | Ambusher Leader (the fat one) |
Campaign | Shadows of the Future |
Description | Attacking Seifer |
Results | 3eP+1eA+1eB+1eC+1eD+2eS: 1 success, 4 advantage [3eP=S, A/A, S/A] [1eA=A] [1eB=A] [1eC=Th] [1eD=-] [2eS=-, F] |
Roller | awaypturwpn |
Character | Ambusher Leader (the fat one) |
Campaign | Shadows of the Future |
Description | Attacking Seifer |
Results | 3eP+1eA+1eB+1eC+1eD+2eS: 1 success, 4 advantage [3eP=S, A/A, S/A] [1eA=A] [1eB=A] [1eC=Th] [1eD=-] [2eS=-, F] |