Dice Roller

RollerRav Devaroo
CharacterRav Devaroo
DescriptionDay 9. EM. Boss fight. Round 1. Shooting Eralynn. Short range. Free aim, aim. Trust. Accurate 2. Remove setback. Destiny flip. GM upgrades. May the hat be with me bonus :P
Results3eP+5eB+3eC+1eD+1eS: 1 failure, 4 advantage [3eP=A, S/S, S/A] [5eB=A, -, A/A, A/A, A] [3eC=F/Th, F/Th, Th] [1eD=F/F] [1eS=Th]

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Timestamp: 2018-06-28 02:19:39 PT

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