Dice Roller

CampaignAdventuring for Fun and Profit
Descriptionattack, damage (1d8+4 slashing, 1d4 wounding (DC 15 to end after damage), 4d6 sneak, 1d8 sonic booming blade, 2d8 sonic if the mimic moves)
Results1d20+7: 13 [1d20=6]
1d8+4+1d4+4d6: 23 [1d8=6] [1d4=1] [4d6=2, 6, 1, 3]
1d8: 6 [1d8=6]
2d8: 3 [2d8=1, 2]

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Timestamp: 2020-04-06 13:33:04 PT

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