Dice Roller

CharacterTranq Sayzin
DescriptionME7 - Strike Against the Tower - Firing at 2nd Wave Group 5 (Agility 3, Ranged-Heavy 1, +1eB Accurate 1,+2 Advantages Marked for Death, +1 Advantage Superior, Average Difficulty, GM Upgrade, +2eS Smoke, +1eS Heat, -1es Thermal Cloak, -1eS Custom Grip)
Results1eP+2eA+1eB+1eC+1eD+1eS: 1 success, 1 threat [1eP=S/A] [2eA=-, S] [1eB=-] [1eC=Th] [1eD=Th] [1eS=F]

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Timestamp: 2020-07-29 10:01:43 PT

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