Dice Roller

CharacterDaidoji Ishiyo
CampaignBanner of Star
DescriptionSleight of Hand rolls for Inu-tai toys. Untrained. Starting at TN15 #2
Results10#3d10: 10 # 25 [3d10=8, 8, 9] 21 [3d10=10, 6, 5] 17 [3d10=5, 2, 10] 18 [3d10=8, 1, 9] 13 [3d10=1, 6, 6] 21 [3d10=7, 10, 4] 13 [3d10=6, 1, 6] 10 [3d10=6, 2, 2] 15 [3d10=3, 7, 5] 15 [3d10=6, 4, 5]

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Timestamp: 2020-09-30 09:44:21 PT

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