Dice Roller
Roller | Swedish Thaumocracy |
Character | Oozearah |
Campaign | The Dark Lord's Command Is |
Description | Shore Up Weaknesses using General (1d16), Race (2d6), Seep (2d6), Clingy (1d6), Knowledge: Infernal Geography (2d6), Cone of Slime (2d6), Boots of Haste (3d6), Slimesquad (1d6), Potion of Slime to Stone (2d6) |
Results | 1d16+2d6+2d6+1d6+2d6+2d6+3d6+1d6+2d6: 60 [1d16=12] [2d6=2, 3] [2d6=1, 6] [1d6=2] [2d6=6, 6] [2d6=3, 6] [3d6=4, 1, 1] [1d6=1] [2d6=1, 5] |
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Timestamp: 2022-06-19 03:15:59 PT
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