Dice Roller

RollerIkoma Sugimoto
CharacterJan Melmoar
DescriptionDay 1 EM, Delaying Action, Gunnery firing on full flight. 1 Boost and 1 upgrade from Lucinia, true aim, base difficult is hard from silhouette and 1 defence
Results7eP+1eA+2eB+3eD+1eS: 7 successes, 2 advantage [7eP=S, A, S/S, A/A, S, -, S/S] [1eA=S/S] [2eB=-, S/A] [3eD=Th, -, F/Th] [1eS=F]

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Timestamp: 2022-08-12 16:06:29 PT

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