Dice Roller

RollerJo'ren Rath
CharacterJo'ren Rath
DescriptionD3. EM. Lightsaber construction. New pattern is base of Hard. Power is at Inadequate so +1 difficulty. Use Ritual bonus to reduce difficulty by 2. Mechanics check at Average. Reforging for 2 boosts. Manipulate to add Force dice. Powerbase for 2 boosts. Eq
Results2eA+6eB+2eF+2eD: 5 successes, 4 advantage, 2 Dark Side [2eA=S/S, S] [6eB=A/A, S/A, A, S/A, A, -] [2eF=DS, DS] [2eD=Th, Th]

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Timestamp: 2022-08-20 22:45:36 PT

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