Dice Roller

Campaign history for >RPG

Showing rolls 57 to 76 of 96 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2014-08-03 22:34:28Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGbee stealth1d20+6 17
2014-08-03 22:34:13Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGbee stealth1d20+11 19
2014-08-03 22:24:38Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGBlaze it2d6 4
2014-08-03 22:16:34DescartesBee Golem>RPGBEE RAY1d20+2 3
2014-08-03 22:15:38DescartesBleddyn>RPGSLASH1d20+2 7
2014-08-03 22:10:55Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGBlaze it1d4+8 11
2014-08-03 22:10:00Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGBURNING BEES1d20+7 16
2014-08-03 22:08:12Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGBurning bridges1d20+4 18
2014-08-03 21:52:02DescartesBee Golem>RPGInitiative1d20+4 14
2014-08-03 21:51:16DescartesBleddyn>RPGInitiative1d20+2 10
2014-08-03 21:50:30Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGInitiative1d20+4 16
2014-08-03 21:50:15Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGInitiative1d20 3
2014-08-03 21:48:40Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGNOPE1d20+11 24
2014-08-03 19:50:32Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGshake that1d20+11 30
2014-08-03 19:09:45DescartesBleddyn>RPGWe hero now (hopefully)1d20+4+2 8
2014-08-03 19:09:33Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGshake that1d20+5 25
2014-08-03 19:01:35Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGchasin' down the highway1d20+6 17
2014-08-03 18:39:17Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGit's_a_trap.jpg1d20+10 22
2014-08-03 18:38:23Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGit's_a_trap.jpg1d20+10 11
2014-08-03 18:38:06Dio BrandoRusemaster>RPGdamn dwarves1d20+10 14

Showing rolls 57 to 76 of 96 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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