Dice Roller

Campaign history for [WWN] Tove Gimbles in The Gyre

Showing rolls 1 to 3 of 23 | top | next 20

2024-12-10 05:02:37ChroniclerIyashi[WWN] Tove Gimbles in The GyreHit Points Roll (Level 2)2d6 7
2024-12-10 05:01:57ChroniclerIyashi[WWN] Tove Gimbles in The GyreHit Points Roll (Level 1)1d6 5
2024-12-10 04:43:45ChroniclerIyashi[WWN] Tove Gimbles in The GyreStarting Silver Roll3d6 8

Showing rolls 1 to 3 of 23 | top | next 20

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