Dice Roller

Campaign history for A Storm to the South

Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 45 | top | prev 20

2015-10-26 19:11:56SomaMarine DecoyA Storm to the SouthTactics1d10+1 3
2015-10-26 19:02:58SomaPrivate ClaudeA Storm to the SouthShot1d10+1 3
2015-10-26 18:56:52SomaBandit ArcherA Storm to the SouthAttack1d10 3
2015-10-26 18:49:13SomaBandit TailA Storm to the SouthAttack1d10 9
2015-10-26 18:35:16SomaBandit TailA Storm to the SouthAttack1d10 8
2015-10-26 18:34:17SomaBandit ArcherA Storm to the SouthAttack1d10 8
2015-10-24 10:35:32SomaBandit ArcherA Storm to the SouthReaction1d10-1 4
2015-10-13 20:45:02SomaSeptanA Storm to the SouthRemain hidden1d10 6
2015-10-13 20:43:50SomaPrivate ClaudeA Storm to the SouthStalking1d10-1 4
2015-10-13 20:16:34SomaBanditsA Storm to the SouthNumbers1d7 3
2015-10-13 20:07:31SomaMarine DecoyA Storm to the SouthTactics1d10 4
2015-10-13 20:06:30SomaBandit ScoutsA Storm to the SouthTactics1d10+1 2
2015-10-13 17:27:51SomaBandit ScoutsA Storm to the SouthLookout1d10 6
2015-09-20 20:19:46SomaBandit TailA Storm to the SouthTracking1d10+1 9
2015-09-10 20:15:06SomaEnemy AgentsA Storm to the SouthReconnaissance1d10+1 7
2015-09-10 18:42:36SomaBandit TailA Storm to the SouthFollow and Observe1d10+1 8
2015-09-10 18:41:14SomaAgents of IlienA Storm to the SouthLocate Quinn and Ashiel1d10-1 5
2015-09-04 12:12:35SomaSargent DessekA Storm to the SouthTrade for horses1d10-4 -1
2015-09-04 11:58:08SomaSmokeA Storm to the SouthLocate Quinn1d10-1 1
2015-09-04 11:09:45SomaCalestan MarinesA Storm to the SouthTrade for horses1d10 2

Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 45 | top | prev 20

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