Dice Roller

Campaign history for ADVENTURE GAMES

Showing rolls 57 to 76 of 96 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-08-01 06:23:35PiellHarbekAdventure GamesDamage in case this beetle really sucks2d6r1+11 19
2011-08-01 06:22:15PiellHarbekAdventure GamesBrash Strike vs Beetle 21d20+9 11
2011-08-01 06:10:47gouwepvTemier SolarisAdventure GamesArcana1d20+9 28
2011-08-01 04:33:40TetrominonDarius OakenfellAdventure GamesRanged Basic Attack vs AC1d20+7 10 1d6+5 11
2011-08-01 02:44:46frankenfreakAhsankraAdventure GamesStaggering Note vs. Xivort@B31d20+7 20
2011-08-01 02:41:58MustacheRideJettAdventure GamesHowling Strike vs AC1d20+8 26 1d12+3d6+5 19
2011-07-29 15:55:58RyuujinThe DevourerAdventure GamesGrasping Claws vs Reflex1d20+5 22 1d8+4 8
2011-07-29 10:55:59frankenfreakAhsankraAdventure GamesStaggering Note vs. Xivort@D31d20+7 26
2011-07-29 10:27:37PiellHarbekAdventure GamesDoor busting action1d20+12 18
2011-07-29 10:01:12CommaToesThirtyAdventure GamesBooming Blade vs AC1d20+8 15 1d10+5 10
2011-07-28 20:59:32JonkedPlayful PerrinAdventure GamesSavage Rend Attack Roll1d20+5 22
2011-07-28 20:55:33TetrominonDarius OakenfellAdventure GamesFallen Needle vs Reflex1d20+6 10 1d10+6 16
2011-07-28 20:54:00TetrominonDarius OakenfellAdventure GamesFallen Needle vs Reflex1d20+6 17 1d10+6 14
2011-07-28 18:39:11M.c.PCrag RockhorderAdventure GamesMelee Basic Attack vs AC1d20+7 20 1d8+4 10
2011-07-28 18:38:29M.c.PCrag RockhorderAdventure GamesRiposte Strike vs AC1d20+7 20 1d8+4 5
2011-07-28 18:20:36CommaToesThirtyAdventure GamesBooming Blade vs AC on that Lizard1d20+8 10 1d10+5 12
2011-07-28 15:50:19RyuujinThe DevourerAdventure GamesAthletics to escape grab1d20+5 17
2011-07-28 15:48:32BlankCOrz StonetoothAdventure gamesDemoralizing Strike vs AC against scorpion to knock out1d20+7 27 1d10+4 7
2011-07-28 15:43:47frankenfreakAhsankraAdventure GamesStaggering Note vs. Xivort@A11d20+7 10
2011-07-28 15:32:49RyuujinThe DevourerAdventure GamesScattered Form vs Reflex, close burst 11d20+5+2 15 2d6+4 11

Showing rolls 57 to 76 of 96 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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