Dice Roller

Campaign history for AOW

Showing rolls 1 to 4 of 24 | top | next 20

2017-12-26 14:58:18Rowenn552AowRations w/ advantage: Alessa, Abernathy, Eldrin; Random Event2#1d6 5 3 2#1d6 6 6 2#1d6 1 3 1d100 53
2017-12-17 06:37:30Rowenn552AlessaAowLocal History1d4o4 2 1d6o6 9
2017-12-17 05:59:52Rowenn552AlessaAowHealing1d4 2 1d6 4
2010-03-03 20:16:47AydonosEhre AzdajaAOWDragon Breath vs Reflex, Constitution +2 vs. Reflex, or Dexterity +2 vs. Reflex3#1d20+7 12 23 16 1d6+5 9

Showing rolls 1 to 4 of 24 | top | next 20

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