Dice Roller

Campaign history for Adventures along the Sword Coast

Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 45 | top | prev 20

2024-01-30 10:35:45Mr AdventurerYmiran YmiraniAdventures along the Sword CoastGlobal Perception check at unknown DC1d20+4 15
2024-01-30 10:35:07Mr AdventurerYmiran YmiraniAdventures along the Sword CoastPerception DC 101d20+4 24
2024-01-28 06:05:14Mr AdventurerYmiran YmiraniAdventures along the Sword CoastAttack roll; damage roll1d20+6 22 1d8+4 9
2024-01-26 06:26:46Mr AdventurerYmiran YmiraniAdventures along the Sword CoastAttack roll; damage roll1d20+6 16 1d8+4 10
2023-08-23 20:03:54draugmithWyrook UrnemmonAdventures Along the Sword Coasthit points for Druid level 11d8+2 8
2023-08-13 18:48:48stormravenGorah StonehideAdventures along the Sword CoastCon Save1d20+2 4
2023-08-13 04:11:05Mr AdventurerKyra ÄuriléthAdventures along the Sword CoastConstitution save DC 101d20+4 8
2023-08-11 16:19:42Mr AdventurerKyra ÄuriléthAdventures along the Sword CoastPerception1d20+2 12
2023-08-10 19:38:27stormravenGorah StonehideAdventures along the Sword CoastIntimidation1d20+4 18
2023-08-10 19:21:35Unka JoshAithe SelfsavedAdventures Along the Sword CoastPerception1d20+4 21
2023-08-05 07:34:57Unka JoshAithe SelfsavedAdventures Along the Sword CoastDamage1d6+3 9
2023-08-05 07:33:15Unka JoshAithe SelfsavedAdventures Along the Sword CoastCrossbow Attacks2#1d20+7 18 12
2023-08-02 11:18:43stormravenGorah StonehideAdventures along the Sword CoastFlail Attack1d20+5 11 1d8+3 9
2023-08-02 10:58:41draugmithWyrook UrnemmonAdventures Along the Sword Coastcure wounds on Gorah1d8+3 9
2023-08-02 09:42:31Mr AdventurerKyraAdventures along the Sword CoastConstitution save DC 13 negates1d12 7
2023-08-02 08:02:32stormravenGorah StonehideAdventures along the Sword CoastFlail Attack1d20+5 6 1d8+3 6
2023-08-01 16:47:12Unka JoshAithe SelfsavedAdventures Along the Sword CoastDAMAGE!1d6+3 7 1d6+3 5
2023-08-01 16:43:14Unka JoshAithe SelfsavedAdventures Along the Sword CoastSeriously, does calling it something else help my odds?2#1d20+7 20 25
2023-08-01 09:59:06Mr AdventurerKyraAdventures along the Sword Coastfewer than5d8 24
2023-07-31 18:02:05Unka JoshAithe SelfsavedAdventures Along the Sword CoastDamage1d6+3 8

Showing rolls 26 to 45 of 45 | top | prev 20

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