Dice Roller

Campaign history for Adventures into the unknown

Showing rolls 216 to 235 of 275 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2012-12-02 13:29:21lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownGuardbot silver; electrojolt vs Aslor ref(1d20+4) 10 (1d4+3+5) 11
2012-12-02 13:26:53lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownGuardbot Red; electrojolt vs Gerber ref(1d20+4) 18 (1d4+3+5) 10
2012-11-27 17:58:39Olaf the StoutAslorAdventures into the UnknownAttack vs AC vs Silver Guardbot1d20+11 13 1d12+6 11
2012-11-27 17:53:55Olaf the StoutAlsorAdventures into the UnknownAttack vs AC vs Red Porker1d20+11 27 1d12+6 16
2012-11-26 03:38:52rabid_bogscumZapper Zeke (For Mathfuric)Adventures into the UnknownCrossbow Vs Robot1d20+7 22 2d8+5 20
2012-11-22 21:44:43rabid_bogscumGerberAdventures into the Unknowncrit1d10 3
2012-11-22 21:42:39rabid_bogscumGerberAdventures into the Unknowncharge against robot with robot arm1d20+9 29 2d8+6 21
2012-11-22 20:38:32rabid_bogscumGerberAdventures into the UnknownReanimated Crit1d10 5
2012-11-22 20:36:23rabid_bogscumGerberAdventures into the UnknownTangler vs Porker1d20+8 28 3d6+6 16
2012-11-22 19:35:06lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownGuardbot silver; electrojolt vs Aslor ref(1d20+4) 11 (1d4+3+5) 12
2012-11-22 19:29:35lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownPorker gold; breath vs zapper, gerbs2#(1d20+4) 22 7 (1d10+3) 5
2012-11-22 19:27:26lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownPorker red; flail vs aslor(1d20+6) 8 (2d6+1) 7
2012-11-22 19:11:12lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownCrater OA on Aslor vs ref1d20+6 16
2012-11-21 17:03:53Olaf the StoutAslorAdventures into the UnknownScience check on grid1d20+1 14
2012-11-21 16:59:22Olaf the StoutAslorAdventures into the UnknownAttack vs AC vs Red Porker1d20+9 18 1d12+6 16
2012-11-12 21:34:04lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownalpha flux - encounter 5: gerber, aslor, ignit, zapper4#1d55 51 1 34 44
2012-11-12 21:32:49lolvenomDMadventures into the unknownEncounter 5 Porker and Guardbot Init(1d20+2) 22 (1d20+5) 15
2012-11-12 18:40:35Olaf the StoutAslorAdventures into the UnknownInitiative Roll1d20+2+4 24
2012-11-12 18:12:50rabid_bogscumGerber & ZekeAdventures into the Unknowninitiative rolls1d20+4 15 1d20+1 4
2012-10-29 01:51:22rabid_bogscumGerberAdventures into the UnknownSearch Skeletons1d20 3

Showing rolls 216 to 235 of 275 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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