Dice Roller

Campaign history for After the Escape

Showing rolls 111 to 130 of 150 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2014-04-30 01:18:52MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapeSpace Walking3eA+2eD+1eS 2 failures
2014-04-30 01:18:49MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapeSpace Walking3eA+2eD+1eS 0 successes
2014-04-30 01:18:45MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapeSpace Walking3eA+2eD+1eS 2 failures, 1 threat
2014-04-30 01:18:41MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapeSpace Walking3eA+2eD+1eS 0 successes, 2 advantage
2014-04-30 01:12:54MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapeAthletics3eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 4 threat
2014-04-30 01:12:21MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapeAthletics3eA+2eD 1 failure, 4 advantage
2014-04-29 22:28:10FuzzNearlAfter the EscapeLowering the pressure to conserve air (Mechanics)3eP+1eA+2eD 2 successes, 4 advantage
2014-04-29 21:25:10FuzzNearlAfter the EscapeModifying the EVA to allow a third mod (+Boosts, +Multitool, +Destiny)4eP+3eB+5eD+1eS 3 successes, 1 advantage, 1 Triumph
2014-04-29 21:15:25FuzzNearlAfter the EscapeAttaching the second mod to EVA3eP+1eA 3 successes
2014-04-29 21:12:49FuzzNearlAfter the EscapeAttaching the first mod to EVA3eP+1eA 5 successes, 2 advantage
2014-04-29 20:31:38treeboyGavan NavarAfter the EscapeMod: Combat Visor2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
2014-04-29 20:31:02treeboyGavan NavarAfter the EscapeMod: mag boots2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
2014-04-29 19:44:28FuzzNearlAfter the EscapeNearl supes up his EVA3eP+1eA+5eD+1eS 0 successes, 1 threat
2014-04-29 17:36:10direROD-88After the Escape(Mechanics) Finger Torch2eA+3eD 1 success, 1 threat
2014-04-29 14:34:35elendil004SirrfAfter the EscapeAttach some mods2#3eA 2 successes 2 successes, 2 advantage
2014-04-29 11:35:12BeardlessKhar SelimAfter the EscapeMechanics2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
2014-04-29 11:34:12BeardlessKhar SelimAfter the EscapeMechanics2eA 1 success
2014-04-29 10:28:02BeardlessKhar SelimAfter the EscapePerception3eA+3eD+1eC+1eS 1 success, 1 advantage, 1 Despair
2014-04-29 08:33:25BeardlessKhar SelimAfter the EscapePerception3eA+3eD 2 successes
2014-04-29 08:23:46MustacheRideZhadmenAfter the EscapePerception2eA+3eD 0 successes

Showing rolls 111 to 130 of 150 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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