Dice Roller

Campaign history for Alt CW

Showing rolls 1 to 13 of 53 | top | next 20

2019-11-18 21:10:17AnomalousAuthorAlpha SquadAlt CWSingle green die1eA 2 successes
2019-11-18 21:08:22AnomalousAuthorScrapAlt CWFires at B1 Group at medium (1 boost from aim)1eA+2eP+2eD 2 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
2019-11-18 21:05:21AnomalousAuthorWraithAlt CWAutofire Attack on Super Battle Droids at medium (2 boosts from Beta, 1 Boost from Aim Maneuver))4eP+3eD+3eB 2 successes, 6 advantage
2019-11-18 20:59:55AnomalousAuthorbeta squadAlt CWFires at B1 Minion Group (Medium Range, takes maneuver to aim))2eD+1eB+3eP+2eA 3 successes, 2 advantage
2019-11-18 20:54:54AnomalousAuthorAlpha SquadAlt CWFires at B1 Minion Group (Medium Range, takes maneuver to aim))3eD+3eS+1eB+3eP+2eA 1 success, 1 Triumph
2019-11-09 22:03:26AnomalousAuthorbeta squadAlt CWAttacks super battle droids at medium range3eP+2eA+2eD 4 successes, 2 threat
2019-11-09 22:00:23AnomalousAuthorAlpha SquadAlt CWAttacks super battle droids at medium range (adds boost from Scraps check)3eP+2eA+2eD+1eB 5 successes, 2 threat
2019-11-09 21:54:03AnomalousAuthorScrapAlt CWAttacks super battle droids at medium range (adds boost from wraiths check)2eP+1eA+2eD+1eB 2 successes, 1 advantage
2019-11-09 21:44:22AnomalousAuthorWraithAlt CWAutofire attack on super battle droids (aim maneuver, quick strike,medium range)3eD+4eP+2eB 1 success, 3 advantage
2019-11-09 16:40:27AnomalousAuthorAlpha SquadAlt CWInitiative1eA 2 successes
2019-11-09 16:37:47AnomalousAuthorBeta SquadAlt CWInitiative1eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
2019-11-09 16:35:43AnomalousAuthorSgt. ScrapAlt CWInitiative2eA 0 successes, 2 advantage
2019-11-09 16:26:43AnomalousAuthorWraithAlt CWInitiative2eA+2eP 2 successes, 4 advantage

Showing rolls 1 to 13 of 53 | top | next 20

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