Dice Roller

Campaign history for Arkham Nights

Showing rolls 61 to 80 of 80 | top | prev 20

2018-08-30 06:01:57MysteryCatEmily WyndhamArkham NightsPersuading the crew to protect the crate1d10+6 12
2018-01-11 22:42:56ArgentSeraArkham NightsWillpower roll vs Nyarlahotep (yeah)1d10+10 11
2018-01-10 17:18:43spacerangerClaudia ButlerArkham NightsWillpower (3 x 2) + Nerves of Steel 41d10+10 16
2018-01-10 17:09:26spacerangerClaudia ButlerArkham NightsDexterity 4 + Acrobatics 11d10+5 7
2018-01-10 13:53:08jamiethSamArkham NightsDex 4 + Acro 5; then Will 31d10+9 14 1d10+3 12
2018-01-10 13:45:20Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsWillpower1d10+5 6
2018-01-10 13:44:39Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsDexterity 7 + Acrobatics 21d10+9 11
2018-01-10 08:04:31jamiethSamArkham NightsDex 4 + Sports 01d10+4 10
2018-01-10 05:54:28ArgentSeraArkham NightsSera runns, perhaps unadvisedly1d10+2 3
2018-01-10 04:14:58MysteryCatGisa AmselArkham NightsRunning off with the Sign (Dex3+Sport0)1d10+3 13
2018-01-10 03:22:33Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsRunning (Dex 7 + Sports 2)1d10+9 18
2018-01-09 20:59:32spacerangerClaudia ButlerArkham NightsDexterity 4 + Sports (Track) 31d10+7 15
2017-12-20 05:24:05MysteryCatGisa AmselArkham NightsSabotaging the door to the vault so it only opens from the inside? Perception+FixIt1d10+4+3 9
2017-12-16 16:34:50Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsGo to sleep go to sleep go to sleep go to sleep1d10+13 19
2017-12-16 09:34:36Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsSneaking1d10+8 13
2017-12-14 08:05:05Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsGet what Gisa's doing (Perception + Notice)1d10+5 9
2017-12-14 03:57:12MysteryCatGisa AmselArkham NightsSpending a precious drama point to intimidate/persuade the guards to split up and run about like headless chickens1d10+3+3+10 26
2017-11-26 11:12:14spacerangerClaudia ButlerArkham NightsIntelligence 3 + Computers 21d10+5 7
2017-11-10 13:45:00jamiethSamArkham NightsApplying the tape1d10 10
2017-11-09 10:27:31Craig OxbrowJulieArkham NightsSlashing at a Hound of Tindalos1d10+11 17

Showing rolls 61 to 80 of 80 | top | prev 20

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