Dice Roller
Campaign history for BAstards
Showing rolls 1566 to 1585 of 2185 | top | next 20 | prev 20
Time | Roller | Character | Campaign | Description | Results |
2019-06-11 19:12:08 | pearldrum1 | Creature 3 - Rook Story | Bastards | BS 30 +10 (range) +0 semi <40 | 1d100 46 5#1d10+3 4 6 11 8 8 |
2019-06-11 19:10:00 | pearldrum1 | Creature 2 - Rook Story | Bastards | BS 30 +20 (aim/range) -10 (FA) <40 | 1d100 73 5#1d10+3 13 10 13 4 7 |
2019-06-11 02:53:35 | mruozu | Stubbs | Bastards | Awareness at the door | 1d100 57 |
2019-06-11 01:07:58 | Hydrako | bastards | shooting | 1d100 52 | |
2019-06-10 23:10:43 | sylphilis | bazin | bastards | awareness | 1d100 21 |
2019-06-10 23:10:12 | sylphilis | bazin | bastards | awareness | 1d100 54 |
2019-06-10 23:09:52 | sylphilis | bazin | bastards | awareness | 1d100 80 |
2019-06-10 18:43:41 | pearldrum1 | Bartender - Rook Story | Bastards | Dodge in Cover 35 | 1d100 72 |
2019-06-10 18:43:15 | pearldrum1 | Creature 3 - Rook Story | Bastards | BS 55 (CORRECT STATS//PB,AIM,FA) | 1d100 32 6#1d10+3 13 12 4 13 4 5 |
2019-06-10 18:40:01 | pearldrum1 | Creature 2- Rook Story | Bastards | BS 35 (+/- range & FA); dmg | 1d100 67 4#1d10+3 5 11 7 4 |
2019-06-10 18:36:33 | pearldrum1 | Merchant - Rook story | Bastards | Dodge in Cover 40 | 1d100 30 |
2019-06-10 18:35:18 | pearldrum1 | Creature - Rook Story | Bastards | BS 50 (+aim/PB)(-FA); dmg | 1d100 25 5#1d10+3 7 10 8 7 10 |
2019-06-04 16:15:32 | Nitafrong | Ruaidhri | Bastards | Acrobatics | 1d100 32 |
2019-06-04 02:11:19 | mruozu | Stubbs | Bastards | Security | 1d100 42 |
2019-06-04 01:51:20 | Hydrako | Bastards | shot <33 | 1d100 89 | |
2019-06-03 18:27:05 | Mac_Tonite | Rhône | Bastards | Perception -10 | 1d100 38 |
2019-06-03 12:50:47 | pearldrum1 | Creature - Rook Story | Bastards | Dodge 40 | 1d100 36 |
2019-06-03 12:50:21 | pearldrum1 | Bartender - Rook Story | Bastards | BS(+aim/PB/single/scatter)(-run/dark) <50; dmg +3 | 1d100 40 1d10+7 12 |
2019-06-03 12:45:54 | pearldrum1 | Creature 2 - Rook Story | Bastards | BS 40(aim/range); damage | 1d100 84 4#1d10+3 13 12 7 9 |
2019-06-03 12:44:04 | pearldrum1 | Creature - Rook Story | Bastards | Spray and Pray 40% chance of hitting | 1d100 52 |
Showing rolls 1566 to 1585 of 2185 | top | next 20 | prev 20