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Campaign history for Bad Habits

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 55 | top | next 20

2017-06-14 01:13:36hukhukhukJenniferBad habitstest2#3d10k2+25 41 36 7#2d10+25 44 36 36 35 34 36 42 3d10l2+25...
2017-06-14 01:12:33hukhukhukJenniferBad habits7 stats2#3d10k2+25 36 35
2017-06-14 01:09:08hukhukhukJenniferBad HabitsStatgen2#3d10k2+25 38 38
2017-06-14 01:06:49hukhukhukJenniferBad HabitsStatgen2#3d10k2+25 33 38
2017-06-14 01:02:36hukhukhukJenniferBad Habitsstats2#3d10k2+20 34 30
2017-06-14 01:00:39hukhukhukJenniferbad habitshighstats2#3d10k2+20 36 35
2017-06-14 00:57:31hukhukhukJenny the nunBad habits7 d7#2d10+20 33 25 32 32 36 29 36
2017-06-13 23:50:07VicissitudeJosephineBad HabitsDivination1d100 54
2017-06-13 23:47:50DachshundofdoomBad HabitsReroll the 282d10+25 41
2017-06-13 23:43:46DachshundofdoomBad HabitsWounds, Fate, Divination1d5 5 1d10 1 1d100 86
2017-06-13 23:40:49DachshundofdoomBad HabitsCharacteristics (++-, then Basic)2#3d10k2+25 44 40 3d10l2+25 33 7#2d10+25 41 43 28 38 34 33...
2017-06-13 23:33:58VicissitudeJosephineBad HabitsWounds1d5+7 9
2017-06-13 23:26:49VicissitudeJosephineBad HabitsOther stats7#2d10 10 11 7 12 16 13 11
2017-06-13 23:23:55VicissitudeJosephineBad Habits- Stat3d10 14
2017-06-13 23:22:23VicissitudeJosephineBad Habits+ Stats2#3d10k2 15 19

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 55 | top | next 20

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