Dice Roller

Campaign history for Banner of the Stars

Showing rolls 196 to 215 of 235 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2018-04-07 14:17:17tyrus34DaizuBanner of the starsPistol shot tn 257d10o10k3 24
2018-04-07 10:37:26Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsD2 Religion: Sincerity/Awareness, TN 252d10 20
2018-04-07 10:37:12Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsD2 Religion: Sincerity/Awareness, TN 202d10 11
2018-04-07 10:36:47Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsD2 Religion: Sincerity/Awareness, TN 15, +Void for +1k1, unskilled3d10 17
2018-04-06 23:02:55Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsMedicine (Wound Treatment)/Intelligence, Wounds healed4d10o10k1 5
2018-04-06 23:02:25Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsMedicine (Wound Treatment)/Intelligence, 3 raises for TN 309d10o10k4 40
2018-04-06 22:59:27Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsPath to Inner Peace, Spending Void for +1k1 (TN 10)4d10o10k3 22
2018-04-06 22:32:37Yogo SukimaKuchiki AinomiyaBanner of the StarsPath to Inner Peace, Spending Void for +1k1 (TN 10)4d10o10k3 25
2018-04-05 19:36:54Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsInfluence roll for Her words shall be fire with two raises, TN 25, point to Osano-Wo, Roll 37d10r1o10k5 35
2018-04-05 19:35:34Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsInfluence roll for Her words shall be fire with two raises, TN 25, point to Osano-Wo, Roll 27d10r1o10k5 31
2018-04-05 19:34:30Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsInfluence roll for Her words shall be fire with two raises, TN 25, point to Osano-Wo, Roll 17d10r1o10k5 34
2018-04-04 20:02:38Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsFluffy dancing roll 22d10k2 10
2018-04-04 18:32:00Matsu KatsuroHotaru JunBanner of the starsFluffy dancing LE14d10 26
2018-04-04 17:52:53Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsFluff roll for dancing in club scene2d10k2 7
2018-04-04 16:26:25Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsFluff sincerity(honesty) in conversation with Komori Noburu6d10r1o10k3 24
2018-04-02 14:14:24Ide YamakoIde YamakoBanner of the StarsD1: M-S alliance, Courtier 2+ Awareness 3+ 1 Void pt with one raise6d10o10k4 14
2014-10-10 02:59:35Kuni TakeshiSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsLore: Bilology/Intelligence, tn 253d10o10k2 10
2014-10-09 09:25:48Kuni TakeshiSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsInvestigation/Perception, tn 206d10o10k3 38
2014-10-09 00:02:51Kuni TakeshiSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsHonor roll vs tn 30, -2 from Shadow Corruption1d10o10-2 17
2014-10-08 12:08:54Kuni TakeshiSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsLore: Biology/Intelligence, +FR from Investigation, tn 253d10o10k2+5 20

Showing rolls 196 to 215 of 235 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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