Dice Roller

Campaign history for Banner of the stars

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 235 | top | next 20

2014-09-05 09:34:04Isawa KenshinSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsAgility tn 103d10o10 20
2014-09-05 09:32:51Isawa KenshinSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsAgility tn 53d10o10 27
2014-09-05 09:32:19Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsEvent D2 Strength/Athletics roll 3 TN 25 VP spent for +1k15d10o10k4 25
2014-09-05 09:31:50Isawa KenshinSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsStamina, tn 102d10o10 5
2014-09-05 09:30:28Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsEvent D2 Strength/Athletics rolls 1-2 TNs 202#4d10o10k3 24 28
2014-09-05 09:30:14Isawa KenshinSame TetsuoBanner of the StarsStamina roll, tn 52d10o10 18
2014-09-05 09:28:04Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsEvent D2 Agility Roll 3 TN 15 VP spent for +1k14d10o10 26
2014-09-05 09:26:49Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsEvent D2 Agility Rolls 1-2 TNs 5 and 10 (in order)2#3d10o10 15 30
2014-09-05 09:23:38waytonAkodo AmaranteBanner of the StarsAth/Stamina TN20. Spending void4d10o10k3 32
2014-09-05 09:20:55Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsEvent D2 Stamina Rolls 1-3 TNs 5, 10, and 15 (in order)3#3d10o10 19 13 13
2014-09-04 17:26:05Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsCast Commune Earth 2R for Stealth TN 256d10o10k3 29
2014-09-02 19:58:23Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsWillpower Courtier for Event Day 1 TN 20 FR for quality4d10o10k3 20
2014-09-02 19:56:40Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsSincerity for Event Day 1 TN 20 VP spent for temp rank3d10o10k2 17
2014-09-02 19:54:16Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsCourtier for Event Day 1 TN 20 VP spent4d10o10k3 33
2014-09-02 19:50:06Kuchiki ChairoKuchiki ChairoBanner of the StarsLore Unicorn for Event Day 1 TN 204d10o10k3 30

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 235 | top | next 20

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