Dice Roller

Campaign history for Betrayal

Showing rolls 9 to 28 of 68 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2009-12-09 02:14:34Rawkking GoodguyBrandon JaspersBetrayalmental damage1d3-1 0
2009-12-09 02:12:26Rawkking GoodguyBrandon JaspersBetrayalResisting the shriek4d3-4 3
2009-12-08 22:19:21WitchDoctorDBMPeterBetrayalHaunt Roll6d3-6 5
2009-12-08 20:22:37TunnelRunnerZoeBetrayal1d3-1 1
2009-12-08 19:38:29TunnelRunnerZoeyBetrayalsanity roll5d5-5 13
2009-12-08 18:49:59Rawkking GoodguyBrandon JaspersBetrayalResisting the shriek4d4-4 2
2009-12-08 16:50:52adventfallsBetrayalSanity Check (With Correct Dice Number)3d3-3 4
2009-12-08 16:50:20adventfallsBetrayalSanity Check1d3-3 -1
2009-12-07 23:51:45simonwolfsimonwolfBetrayalMystic elevator2d3-2 3
2009-12-07 16:28:34BitstreamVivian LopezBetrayalHaunt Roll6d3-6 8
2009-12-04 15:00:30simonwolfsimBetrayalHaunt Roll6d3-6 6
2009-12-04 02:21:12BitstreamVivian LopezBetrayalRummaging through a skeleton5d3-5 6
2009-12-04 02:11:58BitstreamVivian LopezBetrayalTrying to keep it together in the Graveyard5d3-5 4
2009-12-03 01:22:01WitchDoctorDBMPeterBetrayalElevator2d3-2 1
2009-12-02 20:39:53simonwolfsimonwolfBetrayalHaunt roll6d3-6 9
2009-12-02 19:55:57simonwolfsimonwolfBetrayalSilence3d3-3 6
2009-12-01 16:43:08WitchDoctorDBMPeterBetrayalSanity4d3-4 7
2009-12-01 15:50:38simonwolfsimonwolfBetrayalHaunt Roll6d3-6 7
2009-12-01 09:09:28BitstreamVivian LopezBetrayalRolling to use the secret wall switch3d3-3 3
2009-11-30 11:53:35simonwolfsimonwolfBetrayalTiebreaker8d3-8 6

Showing rolls 9 to 28 of 68 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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