Dice Roller

Campaign history for Blades Against the Red Tide

Showing rolls 1 to 5 of 5 | top

2018-02-13 09:36:07Rory_BracebuckleVeteran WarriorsBlades Against the Red TideDamage3#1d8 5 7 5
2018-02-13 09:35:00Rory_BracebuckleVeteran WarriorsBlades Against the Red TideAttacks vs. Gendai, Chek Fei, and Salim, respectively1d20+5 22 1d20+8 20 1d20+7 23
2017-12-22 10:19:48rorybBlades Against the Red TideFeatures Check1d8 6
2017-12-22 10:17:49rorybBlades Against the Red TideEvent Check1d8 4
2017-12-22 10:11:51rorybBlades Against the Red TideEncounter Check1d6 6

Showing rolls 1 to 5 of 5 | top

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