Dice Roller

Campaign history for Broken Chains

Showing rolls 285 to 304 of 344 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2015-08-03 01:27:50PandorymCarrion HunterBroken ChainsDamage Roll to Byrin1d10+3 4
2015-08-03 01:22:09PandorymCarrion HunterBroken ChainsAll Out Attack Roll to hit Byrin1d100 51
2015-08-03 01:16:35PandorymCarrion HunterBroken ChainsDamage Roll to Zephyran1d10+3 11
2015-08-03 01:12:25PandorymCarrion HunterBroken ChainsAll Out Attack Roll to hit Zephyran1d100 56
2015-08-02 23:37:04Cod of JusticeEirukBroken ChainsZealous hatred roll1d10 5
2015-08-02 23:27:50Cod of JusticeEirukBroken ChainsDamage roll, 1st round1d10 10
2015-08-02 23:20:47Cod of JusticeEirukBroken ChainsCharging nearest Carrion Hunter1d100 38
2015-08-01 07:45:12Cod of JusticeEirukBroken ChainsStrength test to force hatch1d100 70
2015-07-31 10:21:37Cod of JusticeEiruk the CrimsonBroken ChainsPower Armour Customisation roll1d10 7
2015-07-30 12:59:12Cod of JusticeEiruk the CrimsonBroken ChainsReward of Khorne Roll1d100 12
2015-07-30 12:57:07Cod of JusticeEiruk the CrimsonBroken ChainsDark God Gift Infamy Roll1d100 30
2015-07-30 11:23:02Cod of JusticeEiruk the CrimsonBroken ChainsWounds roll1d5 2
2015-07-30 11:20:58Cod of JusticeEiruk the CrimsonBroken ChainsInfamy roll1d5 2
2010-11-17 21:27:00MolotovCockatooMaelvictusBroken ChainsMoteshaping X33#1d20+20 35 32 21
2010-11-17 08:41:41robp85SkardBroken ChainsMoteshaping attempt 3 (DC:35)1d20+19 33
2010-11-17 08:40:53robp85SkardBroken ChainsMoteshaping attempt 2 (DC:35)1d20+19 24
2010-11-17 08:39:50robp85SkardBroken ChainsMoteshaping (DC:35)1d20+19 21
2010-11-15 19:35:24MolotovCockatooMaelvictusBroken ChainsArcana X22#1d20+19 25 36
2010-11-05 21:29:51MolotovCockatooMaelvictusBroken ChainsFetters of Darkness vs. H1d20+27+3 49 3d8+16 35
2010-11-05 21:24:27MolotovCockatooMaelvictusBroken ChainsHand of Radiance vs. 4x Stormlings4#1d20+27 43 32 31 31

Showing rolls 285 to 304 of 344 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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