Dice Roller

Campaign history for Conundrum Crusade

Showing rolls 210 to 229 of 329 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2015-04-01 02:09:04MenwearpinkSieglachtConundrum CrusadeHive City Predator (Stealth, stat = 39)1d100 72
2015-04-01 02:04:13OmegaGMConundrum Crusadenew timer1d100 12
2015-04-01 02:03:06OmegaIGConundrum Crusadenetwork1d100 2
2015-04-01 02:01:47OmegaawakenConundrum Crusadeawaken1d100 4
2015-04-01 02:01:32OmegahehConundrum Crusadetimer1d100 65
2015-04-01 02:01:03OmegapsykerConundrum Crusadepsy1d100 47
2015-03-31 21:34:53AlectaiAlectaiConundrum CrusadeJust in case I need them...10#2d10 7 11 8 11 8 13 19 19 8 17
2015-03-31 19:36:51MOGMOGConundrum CrusadeRe-roll Stealth? 1-Yes, 2-No1d2 2
2015-03-31 17:52:32MOGMOGConundrum CrusadeNext character class dice roll1d20 8
2015-03-31 14:34:29MenwearpinkXurnushConundrum CrusadePerception (20 = stat) test1d100 63
2015-03-31 14:33:28MenwearpinkSieglachtConundrum CrusadePerception (35 = stat) test1d100 71
2015-03-31 14:33:17MenwearpinkSieglachtConundrum CrusadePerception (35 = stat) test1d20 15
2015-03-31 12:18:53MOGSenpharenConundrum CrusadePerception1d100 22
2015-03-31 12:18:07MOGSenpharenConundrum CrusadeStealth1d100 90
2015-03-31 12:14:21MOGSenpharenConundrum CrusadePerception1d100 82
2015-03-31 11:41:52Bass11Mr.FishConundrum Crusadehearing1d100 49
2015-03-31 09:45:04AlectaiMedea AltheosConundrum CrusadeHearing!1d100 5
2015-03-31 09:12:55WhitelionConundrum CrusadePerception1d100 51
2015-03-31 09:04:24InsertCreativeNameConundrum crusadePerc1d100-30 30
2015-03-31 08:19:55DarthThrawnConundrum CrusadeHearing1d100 69

Showing rolls 210 to 229 of 329 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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