Dice Roller

Campaign history for D.I.E.

Showing rolls 173 to 192 of 292 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2021-04-23 21:50:50FartbossJUNKYARDD.I.E.Stinger a Fox for funsies2d6+1 8
2021-04-23 19:54:02RaimentBobson DirgenutD.I.E.Void Charm2d6 6
2021-04-22 10:27:29charmsLun ShavescalpD.I.E.Desert Event? (TN 1)2d6t6 0
2021-04-22 10:27:02charmsLun ShavescalpD.I.E.Tekkawand vs. D.I.E.20d10 98
2021-04-22 08:51:22TheNabsterThe Early JohannD.I.E.Double Mountain Event?2#1d6 3 5
2021-04-22 08:49:36TheNabsterThe Early JohannD.I.E.Searching for Garistals1d6-1 0
2021-04-22 02:39:38AJ_ImpyGeriontius the YoungD.I.E.event chance (City)1d6 1
2021-04-21 19:32:11RaimentDaedalu SanteriaD.I.E.Event Choice: Forest1d6 1
2021-04-21 19:31:36RaimentDaedalu SanteriaD.I.E.Event Chance: Forest1d6 6
2021-04-21 19:30:42RaimentDaedalu SanteriaD.I.E.Event Chance: Forest2#1d6 2 3 2#1d6 4 4 2#1d6 4 4
2021-04-21 19:29:36RaimentDaedalu SanteriaD.I.E.TekkWand Hack - Targeting System 5: Subsystem Roll1, Hack Roll22#1d6 5 2 2#1d6 6 5 2#1d6 4 4
2021-04-21 00:05:18TheNabsterThe Early JohannD.I.E.Desert Event?1d6 2
2021-04-20 21:16:14AJ_ImpyGeriontius the YoungD.I.E.event chance (Forest)2d6 7
2021-04-20 18:40:05RaimentDaedalu SanteriaD.I.E.Event Chance: Mountain1d6 4
2021-04-20 18:19:43RaimentDaedalu SanteriaD.I.E.TekkWand Hack - Targeting System 6: Subsystems XY1, XY2, and XY32#1d6 4 3 2#1d6 4 1 2#1d6 5 3
2021-04-20 18:04:56charmsLun ShavescalpD.I.E.Which one?1d6 3
2021-04-20 18:04:26charmsLun ShavescalpD.I.E.Desert Event? (TN 1)2d6t6 1
2021-04-18 00:01:24TheNabsterThe Early JohannD.I.E.Desert Event?1d6 3
2021-04-17 23:56:54TheNabsterThe Early JohannD.I.E.Tier 5 Garistalest attack against Side-B, 5d1005d100 386
2021-04-17 21:02:20charmsLun ShavescalpD.I.E.Which one?1d6 2

Showing rolls 173 to 192 of 292 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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