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Campaign history for Dawn of the empire

Showing rolls 3580 to 3599 of 3799 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2021-06-28 06:40:22HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD7 LA Makime event, Step 2 Engineering/Int, untrained, tn 203d10 11
2021-06-28 06:39:55HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD7 LA Makime event, Step 2 Sincerity/Will, Prodigy, tn 205d10o10k3 26
2021-06-28 06:39:23HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD7 LA Makime event, Step 2 Etiquette/Awa, 2 CR, tn 256d10o10k3 36
2021-06-28 06:34:46HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD7 LA Makime event, step 1, Battle/Perception, 1 FR from Courtier, 1 CR, VP for +1k1, Hantei bushi rank 1, tn 306d10o10k4+6 33
2021-06-28 06:33:57HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD7 LA Makime event, step 1, Courtier/Awa, tn 256d10o10k3 27
2021-06-28 06:33:23HussarHantei GenjiDawn of the EmpireD7 LA Makime event, step 1, Investigation/Perception, tn 20, Prodigy5d10o10k3 18
2021-06-28 03:12:19VanifaeDoji DojihimeDawn of the EmpireLore Shadowlands4d10o10k3 19
2021-06-27 23:10:33DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 3 - The Decisive Battle! (Perception 3, Battle 1, VP +1k1, +6 MS1, TN30)5d10o10k4+6 48
2021-06-27 23:08:57DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 2: Complications 4 (Perception 3, Battle 1, +6 MS1, TN25)4d10o10k3+6 32
2021-06-27 23:07:37DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 2: Complications 3 (Intelligence 2, Engineering 0, TN20)2d10 12
2021-06-27 23:05:46DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 2: Complications 2 (Willpower 3, Sincerity 0, TN20)3d10 15
2021-06-27 23:04:53DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 2: Complications 1 (Awareness 2, Etiquette 0, TN15)2d10 14
2021-06-27 23:02:32DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 1: The Plan - Battle Roll (Intellect 2, Battle 1, +6 MS 1, VP +1k1, 2 FR, TN25)4d10o10k3+6 23
2021-06-27 23:01:04DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 1: The Plan - Roll Enhance 2 (Willpower 3, Meditation 0, TN20)3d10 14
2021-06-27 22:59:18DurasayMixoHisomu MatsuDawn of the EmpireLA7 - Little Wars - Step 1: The Plan - Roll Enhance 1 (Perception 3, Investigation 3, Notice Emphasis, +6 MS 1,VP +1k1, 2 CR, TN30)7d10ro1o10k4+6 45
2021-06-27 20:52:36Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireFear Rei4d10o10k4+4 34
2021-06-27 20:51:45Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireFear Sasori4d10o10k4+4 40
2021-06-27 20:04:28Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireEtiquette/Willpower5d10o10k4 29
2021-06-27 19:41:38Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireAthletics/Agility3d10o10k2 15
2021-06-27 19:40:07Asako TamakiHisomu KuniDawn of the EmpireCourtier/Awareness VOID (TN 20)3d10 18

Showing rolls 3580 to 3599 of 3799 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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