Dice Roller

Campaign history for De maledicto anatis

Showing rolls 233 to 252 of 292 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2022-04-19 13:06:04callume26CaervanDe Maledicto AnatisRolling Stats (Reroll)2d10 8
2022-04-19 13:05:09callume26CaervanDe Maledicto AnatisRolling Stats9#2d10 16 19 3 7 13 11 7 9 12
2022-04-19 13:03:41callume26CaervanDe Maledicto AnatisRolling Stats9#2d10 13 3 14 3 5 17 15 13 15
2022-04-17 17:30:43pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisTech Use to analyze metal shard in strike frigate blast door1d100 5
2022-04-17 17:26:04pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisScrutiny to analyze metal shard in strike frigate blast door1d100 66
2022-04-16 15:42:34pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisMedicae on Roderick for first aid after Xeno ship battle1d100 6
2022-04-16 15:41:23pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisMedicae on Torian for first aid after Xeno ship battle1d100 54
2022-04-16 15:38:47pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisMedicae on Alexium for first aid after Xeno ship battle1d100 36
2022-04-16 15:34:30pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisMedicae on self for first aid after Xeno ship battle1d100 12
2022-04-10 18:14:09pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisTrade: Voidfarer (int) to evaluate dangers of salvaging derelicts1d100 59
2022-04-10 18:12:51pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisFL: Adeptus Mechanicus to know stuff about the broken Mechanicus frigate1d100 38
2022-04-10 18:10:44pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisFL: Archeotech to identify archerotech in the ship graveyard1d100 5
2022-04-06 16:47:19pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisLogic to do the math of whether macrocannons and retros will separate ships FP reroll1d100 39
2022-04-06 16:42:41pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisLogic to do the math of whether macrocannons and retros will separate ships1d100 80
2022-04-06 16:31:27pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisTech Use to determine what is holding the ships together1d100 66
2022-03-31 11:55:32pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisTech Use to figure out how to take a sample of alien goo1d100 74
2022-03-31 11:52:20pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisTrade: Voidfarer (int) to estimate danger of Xeno goo1d100 42
2022-03-27 02:17:26pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisAwareness on Xeno bridge black goo1d100 53
2022-03-23 19:02:55pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisDamage from meltagun vs Medium Xeno in ship 12d10+8 12
2022-03-23 18:59:36pyritefoolsgoldIgnatio PulsanusDe Maledicto AnatisBS for melta shot at medium Xeno 11d100 29

Showing rolls 233 to 252 of 292 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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