Dice Roller

Campaign history for Death in the House of Mnoren

Showing rolls 1 to 8 of 8 | top

2019-09-18 05:05:47KnightskyVijay MnorenDeath in the House of MnorenPhysicker roll, genetics3d6 13
2019-09-17 19:52:21atlictoatl2KatsukoDeath in the House of MnorenIQ roll on fortifications4d6 10
2019-09-17 19:25:04MetalFatigueChanda MnorenDeath in the House of MnorenID fruit (or discern that fruit is not identifiable?)4d6 15
2019-09-17 13:45:23KnightskyVijay MnorenDeath in the House of MnorenIQ roll, tactics, fortress3d6 7
2019-09-17 11:12:37MetalFatigueChanda MnorenDeath in the House of MnorenIQ roll to notice fortifications4d6 6
2019-09-17 04:26:07MetalFatigueChanda MnorenDeath in the House of Mnorenrecognize Aisling's occult jewelry4d6 23
2019-09-17 04:25:00MetalFatigueChanda MnorenDeath in the House of Mnorenrecognize Bernard's occult paraphernalia4d6 11
2019-09-17 03:58:58MetalFatigueChanda MnorenDeath in the House of MnorenIQ check, 3D vs 143d6 6

Showing rolls 1 to 8 of 8 | top

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