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Campaign history for Desert Flight

Showing rolls 79 to 98 of 118 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2011-03-03 12:28:14skarsolIchtacaDesert FlightPerception - Walls1d20+0 7
2011-03-03 12:15:003clipseTharDesert FlightEndurance, Nature1d20+9 21 2#1d20+8 11 26
2011-03-02 00:02:15Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightPerception on door and door area1d20+7 10
2011-02-25 01:26:22Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightHistory - I've heard about the feywild right1d20+9 13
2011-02-25 01:25:40Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightArcana - are we totally in the feywild1d20+9 15
2011-02-22 07:28:11maledicteKeothiDesert FlightThievery1d20+1 7
2011-02-22 06:50:03Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightHistory on our location1d20+9 29
2011-02-18 17:45:46Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightArcana on that beast-thing1d20+9 24
2011-02-18 17:45:17Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightPerception on beast mist what the hell is "beast mist" seriously1d20+7 10
2011-02-18 15:14:48OptimusZedErdalDesert FlightIntimidate1d20+11 31
2011-02-18 12:11:42InfidelJumaDesert FlightHeal1d20+10 26
2011-02-18 12:07:05kuhlChakak'HozDesert FlightHeal1d20+4 9
2011-02-17 18:40:00Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightStealth to hide from scary noise1d20+10 25
2011-02-17 09:36:54maledicteKeothiDesert FlightAthletics1d20+7 23
2011-02-17 09:24:54skarsolIchtacaDesert FlightAcrobatics + Knack1d20+2+4 7
2011-02-17 09:21:39InfidelJumaDesert FlightNature (with Speak with Spirits)2d20k1+14 29
2011-02-17 06:07:18kuhlChakak'HozDesert FlightNature1d20+6 17
2011-02-16 13:03:08OptimusZedErdalDesert FlightNature1d20+1 20
2011-02-16 07:10:13maledicteKeothiDesert FlightAthletics1d20+7 15
2011-02-16 03:18:52Gideon JonesZahra LetoDesert FlightAcrobatics on that nasty forest1d20+12 16

Showing rolls 79 to 98 of 118 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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