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Campaign history for Die in the depths

Showing rolls 1573 to 1592 of 1792 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2021-07-16 12:10:05JunpeiAshburneDie In The DepthsSpear Attack (in Field)1d10o10+4 16
2021-07-14 15:40:21LLSixBilly BootstrapsDie in the DepthsAxe Bowman before it shoots me full of holes1d10o10+6 15
2021-07-14 12:41:37JunpeiAshburneDie In The DepthsSpear Attack against Auto Crossbow1d10o10+4 7
2021-07-14 11:42:09beefeJane BroggerDie in the Depthsbreaking through the motor knight on the west1d10o10+8 15
2021-07-13 15:18:03LLSixBilly BootstrapsDie in the DepthsAxe Motor Bowman around corner (in field I assume)1d10o10+6-1 24
2021-07-13 13:35:23TheanteroBobby-JackDie in the DepthsPowder Bomb Mk.2: Western Miner, Eastern Miner, Tough Miner, Beetle4#1d10o10+7 14 11 10 13
2021-07-13 12:48:44beefeJane BroggerDie in the DepthsFollow-up attack on the knight Ashburne attacked1d10o10+8 10
2021-07-13 11:44:49DogKisserSoftDie in the DepthsAttack the Miner!1d10o10+7 19
2021-07-13 11:37:08TheNabsterThe Late JohnsonDie in the DepthsChop a Miner N, +11 Attack1d10o10+11 12
2021-07-13 10:11:41JunpeiAshburneDie In The DepthsSpear Attack (in Field)1d10o10+4-1 6
2021-07-12 11:13:33WereGoatAlgal BloomDie in the DepthsAttack slith1d10o10+9 16
2021-07-12 08:31:30charmsMr. & Mrs. GuiscoeDie in the DepthsMelee Attack S (Slith)1d10+9 16
2021-07-11 20:55:17TheanteroBobby-JackDie in the DepthsLockpick the Locked Chest with Steel Lockpick1d10+8 14
2021-07-11 00:13:43vorebaneSlid ViscousDie in the Depthsfiring on tough slith!!1d10o10+8+2 15
2021-07-09 06:12:26JunpeiAshburneDie In The DepthsSpear Attack anything in range1d10o10+4 11
2021-07-09 05:41:30TheanteroBobby-JackDie in the DepthsShothook durability roll1d10 5
2021-07-09 03:51:04AntivehicularAshti ZannDie in the DepthsIf the Tough Slith 1N is still alive, stab it1d10o10+8 14
2021-07-08 13:01:49beefeJane BroggerDie in the DepthsAttack anything in reach, priority to the NW (where Billy would like to move)1d10o10+8 15
2021-07-07 18:34:34charmsMr. & Mrs. GuiscoeDie in the DepthsRed Compass Special Attack vs. Slith, Tough Slith 22#1d10+13 14 21
2021-07-07 17:51:30charmsMr. & Mrs. GuiscoeDie in the DepthsRed Compass Special Attack vs. Slith, Tough Slith2#1d10+13 14 15

Showing rolls 1573 to 1592 of 1792 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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