Dice Roller

Campaign history for Divided Loyalties

Showing rolls 72 to 91 of 131 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2022-01-10 19:52:49BoneyMAlberich Haupt-AnderssenDivided LoyaltiesBeing hunted1d100 37
2022-01-10 19:52:04BoneyMMathilde WeberDivided LoyaltiesWatching for Alberich1d100 61
2022-01-08 02:48:35BoneyMAlberich Haupt-AnderssenDivided LoyaltiesLaying low1d100 98
2021-06-20 05:02:34BoneyMSupreme Patriarch DuelDivided LoyaltiesMira 1, Maria 2, Gormann 3, Feldmann 4, Amber 5, nobody 61d6 6
2021-06-20 04:32:45BoneyMSupreme Patriarch DuelDivided LoyaltiesArburg lower, Dragomas higher, midpoint 251d100 69
2021-06-20 03:50:05BoneyMSupreme Patriarch DuelDivided LoyaltiesAlric lower, Dragomas higher, midpoint 351d100 94
2021-05-23 04:54:53BoneyMEikeDivided LoyaltiesOn a natural 100 she's a Wizard, Harry1d100 100
2021-02-03 18:08:03BoneyMVölundrDivided LoyaltiesRound 21d100 7
2021-02-03 18:07:42BoneyMAsarnilDivided LoyaltiesRound 21d100 97
2021-02-03 17:56:43BoneyMVölundrDivided LoyaltiesRound 11d100 29
2021-02-03 17:56:34BoneyMAsarnilDivided LoyaltiesRound 11d100 26
2021-01-24 19:59:27BoneyMMathilde WeberDivided LoyaltiesAlriksson / Volans / Magnus / Kriestov / Alexis1d5 4
2021-01-24 19:57:38BoneyMMathilde WeberDivided LoyaltiesRite of Way1d100 18
2021-01-24 19:57:18BoneyMMathilde WeberDivided LoyaltiesSliding down mountains1d100 28
2021-01-04 18:13:00BoneyMAlexisDivided Loyalties1 fall, 2 make the next crossing riskier, 3+ fine1d6 3
2021-01-04 18:12:51BoneyMKriestovDivided Loyalties1 fall, 2 make the next crossing riskier, 3+ fine1d6 6
2021-01-02 14:52:37BoneyMMathilde's S&RDivided Loyalties1-4 can't find Gotrek, 5 finds him inside, 6 finds him outside1d6 2
2021-01-02 14:51:26BoneyMCrew of the UrmskaladrakDivided Loyalties1-3 all hands lost, 4 10% live, 5 25% live, 6 40% live1d6 5
2021-01-02 14:48:50BoneyMGotrek GurnissonDivided Loyalties1-3 dead, 4 crippled, 5 injured, 6 fine1d6 2
2020-12-07 14:36:44BoneyMKarag DumDivided LoyaltiesVertical axis1d3 3

Showing rolls 72 to 91 of 131 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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