Dice Roller

Campaign history for Dragon's gift

Showing rolls 1007 to 1026 of 1106 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2014-11-25 19:42:41MuneshigeMuneshigeDragon's GiftDay 8 - shopping commerce/int, void spent, 2 raises7d10o10k5 31
2014-11-25 19:41:52ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - A Little Something Extra. Perform - Singing / Awareness, 4k3 vs TN 204d10o10k3 15
2014-11-25 19:38:50ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - Finding Inspiration. Lore - Heraldry / Intelligence vs TN 15. 1 CR. 4k3 vs TN 204d10o10k3 11
2014-11-25 19:36:30ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - Gauging the Audience, Investigation / Perception vs TN 20 for 1 Story Point. Void. 2 CR. 7k4 vs TN 30. Luck reroll.7d10o10k4 47
2014-11-25 19:35:39ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - Gauging the Audience, Investigation / Perception vs TN 20 for 1 Story Point. Void. 2 CR. 7k4 vs TN 307d10o10k4 28
2014-11-25 19:33:06ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - The End? Perform - Storytelling / Awareness. Unskilled. 3d10 vs TN 253d10 22
2014-11-25 19:30:16ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - Nerves. Etiquette / Willpower vs TN 20. Void. 1 CR. 6k3 vs TN 256d10o10k3 28
2014-11-25 19:28:18ChousKazuharaDragon's GiftD8 Dragons' Tales Event - Beginning the Tale. Perform - Storytelling / Awareness. Void to fake. 4k3 vs TN 204d10o10k3 14
2014-11-25 17:23:15Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDragons Tales, ending, AWA/Perform: Story + Void Point TN255d10 29
2014-11-25 17:20:25Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDragons Tales, nerves with 1 raise, WILL/Etiquette + Void Point TN257d10o10k4 58
2014-11-25 17:18:34Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDragons Tales, gauging audience with 1 raise, AWA/Courtier + Void Point TN256d10o10k5 26
2014-11-25 17:16:41Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDragons Tales, beginning, AWA/Perform: Story TN204d10 19
2014-11-25 17:13:17Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDragons Tales, finding inspiration INT/Lore: Law TN153d10o10k2 41
2014-11-25 17:08:50Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDay 8 late morning tea ceremony to regain void, VOID/Tea TN205d10o10k3 24
2014-11-25 17:05:46Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftDragon's Tales, early morning (painting in a different time slot with 2 raises called for effect AWA/Art: Painting (Sumi-e) + Void Point TN308d10r1o10k5 42
2014-11-25 16:56:49Kakita ShajiKakita ShajiDragon's GiftWill of the Heavens, resist Contrary, raw WILL TN203d10o10k3 15
2014-11-25 11:41:15Hida ShikoIsawa ShizueDragon's GiftStorytelling / Awareness (TN25)3d10o10k2 15
2014-11-25 11:39:29Hida ShikoIsawa ShizueDragon's GiftEtiquette / Willpower (TN25) 1 raise, void7d10o10k4 38
2014-11-25 11:32:49Hida ShikoIsawa ShizueDragon's GiftInvestigation / Perception (TN25), 1 Raise5d10o10k3 25
2014-11-25 11:30:59Hida ShikoIsawa ShizueDragon's GiftStorytelling / Awareness (TN20) (void)4d10o10k4 20

Showing rolls 1007 to 1026 of 1106 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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