Dice Roller

Campaign history for Dungeon World on RPGsite

Showing rolls 1 to 6 of 6 | top

2013-08-05 12:07:34_nthdegreeLlanasDungeon World on RPGsiteDiscern Realities for the room beyond2d6+1 11
2013-07-31 11:11:18_nthdegreeLlanasDungeon World on RPGsitedamage roll on last orc1d10+1 7
2013-07-31 11:08:09_nthdegreeLlanasDungeon World on RPGsiteHack & Slash vs. last orc2d6 9
2013-07-30 16:42:11_nthdegreeLlanasDungeon World on RPGsiteusing surprise as I leap out from table to just deal damage1d10+1 10
2013-07-30 11:31:13_nthdegreeLlanasDungeon World on RPGsiteDefy Danger dex roll, hide in smoke & get under table2d6+2 12
2013-07-30 11:17:08_nthdegreeLlanasDungeon World on RPGsitetest2d6+2 6

Showing rolls 1 to 6 of 6 | top

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