Dice Roller

Campaign history for Eat At Joe's

Showing rolls 1 to 9 of 9 | top

2018-01-08 09:45:48Cool HomosapienSensusEat At Joe'sBluff1d20+25 45
2017-12-26 08:24:13Cool HomosapienSensusEat at Joe'sIntimidating the Doctor1d20+25 32
2017-12-07 12:53:24BlazingCoconutDoctorEat at Joe'sMind Resistance1d20+15 35
2017-12-07 12:48:25Cool HomosapienSensusEat at Joe'sMind Reading Power Check1d20+10 24
2017-12-07 12:34:54BlazingCoconutBlueEat at Joe'sIntimidation Resist1d20+3 22
2017-12-07 11:44:33Heritage367Miracle GirlEat At Joe'sStrength check1d20+10 16
2017-12-07 11:17:16BlazingCoconutBlueEat at Joe'sResisted Strength for Push1d20+2 14
2017-12-07 09:18:48BlazingCoconutThugsEat at Joe'sBluff resist on Thugs1d20-1 8
2017-12-07 09:13:30BlazingCoconutRoosterEat at Joe'sDC Resistance for Stun1d20+4 8

Showing rolls 1 to 9 of 9 | top

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