Dice Roller

Campaign history for Eclipse Irregulars

Showing rolls 16 to 35 of 175 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2012-10-20 13:58:26JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsChecking the foot Int+Med4+2d6 12
2012-10-20 13:55:32JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsSearching for a Cell6+3d6 21
2012-10-19 08:38:23numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse Irregulars2nd dmg on sentry2d6+10 21
2012-10-19 08:34:10numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse Irregulars2nd attk on sentry to be sure he dead2d6+6 9
2012-10-19 08:25:28numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsDmg on Sentry2d6+10 18
2012-10-19 08:18:11numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsAttk on Sentrey -1 after all bonus' and debuffs added2d6+6 16
2012-10-18 19:05:41writerski7Lt MasonEclipse IrregularsScanning the area for trouble (Detection)2d6+5 9
2012-10-18 18:24:53numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsDetection Roll to spot other Sentries2d6+7 16
2012-10-18 18:22:17numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsDetection roll to count the bad guys in the valley2d6+5 11
2012-10-18 17:00:20JacobtheAussieKowalsiEclipse IrregularsMedicine on the Foot Int+Med4+2d6 16
2012-10-17 22:57:30JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsAstute reroll for cellar6+3d6 18
2012-10-17 22:50:38JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsSearch reroll6+3d6 23
2012-10-17 22:27:12JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsSearch the ruined room6+3d6 16
2012-10-17 22:23:27JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsClimb into the room3+3d6 12
2012-10-17 22:12:46numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsTracking Roll +2 Bounty2d6+8 10
2012-10-17 22:11:06numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsSneak Roll (boosted)3d6+6 20
2012-10-17 16:27:04numberjohnny5Caelyth WildyssEclipse IrregularsTracking Roll +2 Bounty2d6+8 14
2012-10-17 14:46:38writerski7Lt MasonEclipse IrregularsIntimidation (with Perception!)2d6+4 9
2012-10-17 14:22:00BiffronsIssac KazakhovEclipse IrregularsTrail Trials3d6+6 18
2012-10-17 05:19:48JacobtheAussieKowalskiEclipse IrregularsLooking under the floor6+3d6 15

Showing rolls 16 to 35 of 175 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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