Dice Roller

Campaign history for Evil Path

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 15 | top

2016-09-23 02:16:08nvendaMalaquiasEvil PathThe evil priest of Asmodeus4#1d10+7 14 13 14 11
2016-09-20 01:46:38nvendaAbelEvil Path.4#1d10+7 9 13 17 11
2016-09-20 01:46:12nvendaAbelEvil Path.4#1d10+7 12 14 12 10
2016-09-20 01:43:06nvendaAbelEvil Path.1d10+7 11
2016-09-20 01:42:50nvendaAbelEvil Path.1d10+7 14
2016-09-20 01:41:59nvendaAbelEvil Path.1d10+7 13
2016-09-20 01:41:32nvendaAbelEvil Pathnem digo mais nada1d10+7 16
2016-08-01 02:28:44nvendajanosEvil Pathnao conseguiu registar cenas1d10+7 15
2016-08-01 02:28:23nvendajanosEvil Pathnao conseguiu registar cenas1d10+7 12
2016-08-01 02:28:01nvendajEvil Pathnao conseguiu registar cenas1d10+7 16
2016-08-01 02:26:45nvendajanosEvil Pathnao conseguiu registar cenas1d10+7 14
2016-06-22 02:45:31nvendaAgro DeusEvil Path1d10+7 17
2016-06-22 02:44:59nvendaAgro DeusEvil Path1d10+7 17
2016-06-22 02:44:31nvendaAgro DeusEvil Path1d10+7 10
2016-06-22 02:43:36nvendaAgro DeusEvil Path1d10+7 17

Showing rolls 1 to 15 of 15 | top

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