Dice Roller

Campaign history for Fate of Legends

Showing rolls 530 to 549 of 609 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2019-01-16 20:45:11DoomykinsFate of LegendsMarcus Bonus Save1d20+7 24
2019-01-16 20:44:40DoomykinsFate of LegendsSave vs SoL Ongoing1d20 11
2019-01-16 12:23:53klingonMarcusFate of LegendsCrit extra damage5d10 41
2019-01-16 12:05:24klingonMarcusFate of LegendsKeeper's Prescience Round 41d20 20
2019-01-16 07:18:44klingonMarcusFate of LegendsSave vs. ongoing damage1d20 12
2019-01-16 05:40:52WahadSilennaFate of LegendsGrasping Claws vs Reflex1d20+37 39 2d8+3d6+27 46
2019-01-16 05:37:41WahadSilennaFate of LegendsCrit Damage5d6 15
2019-01-16 05:34:55WahadSilennaFate of LegendsClaws of Retribution vs Reflex1d20+31 51 2d6+3d6+34 46
2019-01-16 02:53:41WoleryShaiha NililFate of LegendsSaving Throws vs Ongoing (me; my buddy)1d20+2 19 1d20 19
2019-01-16 02:29:02WoleryShaiha NililFate of LegendsPlanar Gateway, Antieturn: vs. Antie1d20+20 38 3d6+11 25
2019-01-16 01:53:46WolerySevitFate of LegendsLD Free Action Bane1d20+31 37 2d4+35 42
2019-01-16 01:48:27WolerySevitFate of LegendsSun and Stars on Bane1d20+31 46 2d6+35 38 1d20+31 46 3d6+35 47
2019-01-15 19:01:17BeStillAsBrightBaneFate of LegendsRapid Strike vs Reflex (Marcus)1d20+29 30 5d12+10 39
2019-01-15 19:00:17BeStillAsBrightBaneFate of LegendsRapid Strike vs Reflex (Marcus)1d20+29 33 5d12+10 42
2019-01-15 18:57:21BeStillAsBrightBaneFate of LegendsEscalating Strike vs AC (Marcus)1d20+31 47 5d10+15 54
2019-01-15 18:52:34BeStillAsBrightBaneFate of LegendsRecharge (Markbreaker, Sundering Strike, Godly Determination)3#1d6 5 6 3
2019-01-13 19:17:39MelchiresaMerritt CarlisleFate of LegendsMelee Basic Attack vs AC1d20+31 32 2d12+17+3d10 40
2019-01-13 19:15:33MelchiresaMerritt CarlisleFate of LegendsBlood Oath Fulfilled vs AC1d20+31+2+4 54 3d12+13+4 30
2019-01-13 18:59:26klingonMarcusFate of LegendsWord of Vulnerability damage3d8+17+10 46
2019-01-13 18:58:14klingonMarcusFate of LegendsKeeper's Prescience Round 31d20 17

Showing rolls 530 to 549 of 609 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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