Dice Roller

Campaign history for Fear and Loathing in the Screaming Vortex

Showing rolls 15 to 34 of 114 | top | next 20 | prev 20

2017-01-20 02:28:46BoneLordKrokodilFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexStat rolling10#2d10+25 36 41 41 39 39 34 29 42 37 35
2017-01-20 01:32:50BoneLordKrokodilFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexContaminated Environs mutation1d100 49
2017-01-19 09:11:04DeathSandwichJeremy "Rude" MannersFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexStarting Insanity1d5 3
2017-01-19 07:43:17DeathSandwichJeremy "Rude" MannersFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexFate1d10 10
2017-01-19 07:42:26DeathSandwichJeremy "Rude" MannersFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexStarting Wounds1d5+1 5
2017-01-19 05:16:54DeathSandwichJeremy "Rude" MannersFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexStats10#2d10 16 13 8 15 12 17 8 7 16 15
2017-01-18 18:03:24wericksOzubranFear and Loathing in the Screaming Vortexwounds 1d5+51d5+5 7
2017-01-18 17:59:07wericksOzubranFear and Loathing in the Screaming Vortexstats10#2d10 4 11 7 13 7 14 19 8 13 9
2017-01-18 17:37:19DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexFate Threshold 6+1d10 10
2017-01-18 14:40:58DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation #35#1d100 18 95 53 97 57
2017-01-18 14:40:24DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation Resist #3 vs 401d100 52
2017-01-18 14:27:36DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation #25#1d100 54 1 68 45 23
2017-01-18 14:26:37DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation Resist #2 vs 401d100 82
2017-01-18 14:04:25DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation like 5th reroll, just rolling like 5 dice at a time now and picking the first non-repeat5#1d100 22 34 47 28 48
2017-01-18 14:02:36DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation Reroll1d100 65
2017-01-18 14:02:11DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation Reroll1d100 24
2017-01-18 14:01:36DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation1d100 19
2017-01-18 14:01:00DachshundofdoomFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Mutation Resist vs 401d100 52
2017-01-18 12:12:26BoneLordFalkineFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Power 2 toughness test/mutation2#1d100 35 86
2017-01-18 12:12:03BoneLordFalkineFear and Loathing in the Screaming VortexNavigator Power 1 toughness test/mutation2#1d100 10 50

Showing rolls 15 to 34 of 114 | top | next 20 | prev 20

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