Dice Roller

Campaign history for Feathers in their Caps

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 12 | top

2016-09-02 21:20:48KnightDiscipleArmy SymbioteFeathers in their CapsToughness Save1d20+10-2 18
2016-09-02 21:19:10KnightDiscipleNevermoreFeathers in their CapsAttack Roll1d20+12 30
2016-09-02 21:16:50KnightDiscipleGunslingerFeathers in their CapsToughness Save1d20+10 14
2016-08-24 19:01:14KnightDiscipleArmy SymbioteFeathers in their CapsToughness Save1d20+10-2 21
2016-08-19 21:02:20KnightDiscipleArmy SymbioteFeathers in their CapsFortitude Save1d20+7 9
2016-08-19 21:00:54KnightDiscipleArmy SymbioteFeathers in their CapsToughness Save1d20+10-1 27
2016-08-19 20:58:48KnightDiscipleNevermoreFeathers in their CapsAttack Roll1d20+12 32
2016-08-19 20:38:16KnightDiscipleGunslingerFeathers in their CapsToughness Save1d20+10 13
2016-08-18 21:07:51AlderwitchNighthawkFeathers in Their CapsTo Hit1d20+10 30
2016-08-17 19:26:01KnightDiscipleGunslingerFeathers in their CapsAttack Roll1d20+12 13
2016-08-11 20:10:06AlderwitchNighthawkFeathers in Their CapsInitiative1d20+10 21
2016-05-22 15:28:09KnightDiscipleNevermoreFeathers in Their CapsStealth Check1d20+14 30

Showing rolls 1 to 12 of 12 | top

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