Dice Roller

Campaign history for Fly or Die

Showing rolls 23 to 42 of 42 | top | prev 20

2014-10-20 18:14:08LateinshowingLysandros MordechaiFly or DieLore Roll (FL: Heresy or SL: Imp. Creed)1d100 79
2014-10-19 22:14:56thatbastardkenAlia WintersFly or DieTactica Imperialis fatepoint re-roll1d100 92
2014-10-19 22:14:18thatbastardkenAlia WintersFly or DieTactica Imperialis1d100 78
2014-10-10 15:22:59KorhalAldric WintersFly or DieCL Underworld1d100 6
2014-10-10 13:18:34KorhalAldric WintersFly or DieAcquisition: GQ Refractor Shield TN 331d100 87
2014-10-10 04:38:18WaciShandra WintersFly or DieAcquisition (Catechism)1d100 19
2014-10-10 04:38:15WaciShandra WintersFly or DieAcquisition (Digesta)1d100 74
2014-10-10 04:27:05WaciShandra WintersFly or DieFinding an excuse job1d100 2
2014-10-07 08:04:53AblativeSAMercurosFly or Dieservo-skull acquisition1d100u53 0
2014-10-06 07:57:30LateinshowingFly or DieAcquistion for medkit1d100 5
2014-10-06 07:44:57LateinshowingFly or DieCL(Ecclesiarchy) Test1d100 51
2014-10-06 05:45:49thatbastardkenVoidmistressFly or DieAcquistion: Guncutter1d100 75
2014-10-06 05:41:30thatbastardkenVoidmistressFly or DieCL (Navy) Int 36 +201d100 90
2014-09-28 01:24:20thatbastardkenAlia WintersFly or DieCommon Lore: Navy (Int 36 + 10)1d100 43
2014-09-24 10:28:31AshcansAphesius SummersFly or DieInsanity1d5+2d10+1 10
2014-09-24 10:25:18AshcansAphesius SummersFly or DieFate1d10 8
2014-09-24 10:24:28AshcansAphesius SummersFly or DieWounds1d5+1 5
2014-09-24 10:13:06AshcansAphesius SummersFly or DieStats9#2d10 5 9 5 5 9 9 15 7 12
2014-09-22 20:04:02KorhalSeneschalFly or DieInsanity for Good Cortex Implant1d10 4
2014-09-22 16:10:05frajaqAurelia KrassamFly or DieWounds1d5+1+6 11

Showing rolls 23 to 42 of 42 | top | prev 20

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